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May 23, 2019 - Privacy, Internet of Things

Youth Protection in Germany: Online Age Checks and Daytime Blackouts Ahead?

Youth Protection in Germany: Online Age Checks and Daytime Blackouts Ahead?

Last week, German regulators decided to no longer accept the widely used “JusProg” software as a sufficient means for online service providers to comply with statutory youth protection requirements. The decision is effective immediately, although it will most likely be challenged in court. If it prevails, it puts video-sharing platforms, distributors of gaming content, and online media services at risk of being held accountable for not properly protecting minors from potentially harmful content. For the affected providers, this is particularly challenging because it will be hard, if not impossible, to implement alternative youth protection tools that will meet the redefined regulatory standards.

Our alert provides the legal background for the decision and discusses its implications in more detail. It is relevant to all online service providers that target German users.